Things You Do That Cause Drain Blockage

Imagine being late to your work because the drainage system in your property won’t work correctly. Blocked drains are certainly a headache, but it’s inevitable when you adapt to specific habits.Things You Do That Cause Drain Blockage


No matter how hard to blame it on your plumber, it’s you that’s causing the drain blockage. But, of course, you might be doing it unconsciously, so you must learn the causes behind such plumbing issues.


Although, experts for drain cleaning in Burlington can help you deal with that. But there are various ways you can avoid frequent drain blockages.


So, here are five everyday habits that keep blocking your drain.

Flushing Foreign Objects

One of the most careless things you do is flushing anything down your toilet. Foreign objects like plastic packs, baby whips, etc., are known to be the common cause of a blocked drain. Change your habit of getting rid of used things by flushing those down the toilet.

Your toilet or drainage system is not built to handle these items. Hence, flushing these down understandably either block or overflows your sewage.

Outdoors Debris and Leaves

Many people are unaware that outside leaves and debris frequently cause blocked drains. If you blow or wash these into the drain, you should not be surprised to have a clogged drain. Unfortunately, this is an issue that often occurs during rainy weather. And it gets worse with unkempt gutters and garden landscapes.

The most efficient way to prevent such clogs is to cover the drain entrances with a drain guard. But if the problem keeps recurring, you should call an expert near you.

Getting Hair Clogged

A widespread reason to keep experiencing drain blockage is your hair. Of course, you shouldn’t stop washing your hair because of it, but you can stop the problem regardless. First, ensure you have a drain guard in your sink or bathtub or wherever you wash your hair. However, if you do find yourself in a situation like this, you can always contact service providers offering drain cleaning in Burlington.

Disposing Food Waste

Very often, the fat doesn’t make it to the sewer, causing the drain to block all the more frequently. So if you have been disposing of all the food waste down the drain, you need to stop doing that. If you are thinking your food disposal is taking care of it, it’s certainly not.

When you throw greasy and oily food down the faucet, it hardens inside the drain. Therefore, causing the drain to clog. Instead of doing that, absorb the grease or oil with a paper towel before composting it.

Flushing Expensive Toilet Paper

The expensive toilet papers are thick 4-ply sheets. Hence, when you use it, you will flush down more paper than you used to.

Using thick toilet paper might seem like a good idea. But most people don’t adjust the quantity while pulling off the roll to account for the thicker form. Instead, you’ll wind up flushing twice as much, which can be disastrous for your drains.

Underground Tree Roots

This cause may appear improbable, yet it happens frequently.

In many cases, trees in the backyard of homeowners have been a prime cause of drain blockage. If your backyard has trees near the drainage system, its root can easily enter a pipe and grow within it. Understandably, clogging the drain.

To stop that from happening, ensure to keep an eye out for the root of your backyard tree. And prevent planting trees near your drainage system.

These are the common causes of drain blockage. And if you have been doing it, you need to change your habit.


Contact Precise Plumbing & Drain Services for any drainage or plumbing issues. Experts there are trained to deliver superior solutions to all kinds of plumbing and drainage faults.